Voters approving Northshore Fire levy lid lift


Early results show voters in Kenmore and Lake Forest Park approving a levy lid lift for the first time in over 20 years.

According to Fire Chief Matt Cowan, rising labor and operational costs plus upcoming capital improvement projects are depleting Northshore’s budget but state laws limit how fast the department can raise rates to increase revenue. The department has reached the maximum for its fire benefit charge and the lid lift will allow the department to raise fire levy rates.

Northshore’s Antique Engine 167 is shown in an image from the Shoreline fire department’s website.

In unofficial results as of August 7, 62.92% of votes counted were in support of the levy lid lift.

Results are unofficial until certified by the county election boards on August 20, 2024. The Secretary of State certifies final results by August 23, 2024.

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